A the holy grouth grene:
with Iue all alone.
When flowerys can not be sene:
and grene wode leuys be gone.
~lyrics from Green Groweth the Holly
written by King Henry VIII (1522)
Holly has long been known for its magical powers. Long after the deciduous trees shed their leaves in October and November, holly bushes and trees remain green through the winter, providing shelter for wildlife and symbolizing protection and good fortune. Yet, when holly carries an abundant amount of berries, it is thought to foretell of a harsh winter. It is said to dream of holly means a fight is on the way, or you will soon find yourself in a prickly situation.
Carrying a sprig of holly or hanging holly in the house was thought to protect the home from malevolent fairies. Holly bushes were often planted in hedges and near the house to deter witches. It is considered an invitation for bad luck to cut down a holly tree or bush.