To see a man tread over graves,
I hold it no good mark;
‘Tis wicked in the sun and moon,
And bad luck in the dark.
~Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Though countless superstitions abound regarding graveyard etiquette, one of the biggest taboos is counting graves. It is considered an invitation for ghosts to follow a person home and will shorten their remaining days on earth. Whistling is also discouraged. It is considered disrespectful to spirits and might provoke a vengeful ghost. When passing a graveyard, it is believed to be wise to hold one's breath to prevent accidental inhalation of a wandering spirit.
If it rains during a burial service, it is thought to be a good sign that the person’s soul is on a good path, and once the service ends, however, if you walk from the grave site facing forward, the spirit might change its mind and follow you home. To deter a stalking spirit, fill your pockets with rosemary and salt while walking backward from the grave site.