Cat-sìth (pronounced "cat shee") is a Celtic shapeshifter said to haunt the Scottish Highlands. This ‘fairy cat’ is often described as a black cat the size of a dog with an arched back, bristling fur, and a white spot on its chest. It is said to have magical powers, and some believe this cat-like creature is a witch who can transform into a cat nine times in their life. Some people believed that cat-sìth was a witch that could transform voluntarily into its cat form and back nine times. After the ninth time, the person would be trapped in the form of a cat for the remainder of their life, and this is possibly the reason cats are said to have nine lives. It is thought that cat-sìth was inspired by the Scottish wildcat, or Kellas cat, that are a hybrid of the European wildcat and domestic cat, a breed only found in Scotland. It is said that if you leave a saucer of milk out on Samhain, you will receive the blessings of cat-sìth and might have a wish granted.
Updated: Dec 18, 2024